Case studies: Biobanking

Samples At New Cancer Centre Biobank Monitored Using Xybion LIMS

Solution: LIMS

The Clatterbrige Cancer Centre

Ccc Trust Logo

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Biobank is a major resource for academic oncologists in the UK. The samples in the Biobank will be used for cancer research including discovery and validation of predictive and diagnostic biomarkers and detection techniques.

The newly established Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Biobank is just one part of a multi-million pound project to transform cancer care in Merseyside and Cheshire, UK. The biobank will act as a major resource for academic oncologists and help further build links between The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool University and key research partners. Xybion LIMS (formerly Matrix Gemini LIMS) has a proven track record with other biobanks in the city and with the Liverpool GCLP facility which collects, stores and analyses samples from clinical trials.


  • Full compliance with all regulatory guidelines such as HTA, GCLP, MHRA, FDA 21 CFR Part 11
  • Full management of sample collection & registration, sample shipments, storage, sample picking/shipping and disposal
  • Complete location recording e.g. freezer, shelf, container and container position




  • Project completed within the NHS Trust budget
  • Biological samples enable research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer
  • Configuration tools allow easy future system extensions
  • Comprehensive audit trail capabilities ensure complete chain-of-custody

"The recording and auditing of every action associated with the samples is critical to our requirements"

The Clatterbrige Cancer Centre

The CCC Biobank has been established to provide biological samples linked to patient outcome data to facilitate good quality research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer. The samples will be supplied by CCC patients diagnosed with cancer (following full informed consent) as well as by ‘healthy volunteers’ who have not been diagnosed with cancer in order to provide age-matched controls.