Blog: Applications
Culture & Sensitivity Testing in Veterinary LIMS
4th July 2023

Culture and sensitivity testing is used by veterinary laboratories to determine the presence of potential bacterial pathogens in an animal, and to guide selection of an appropriate antimicrobial treatment. Following identification of potential pathogens, the isolates can be tested for their sensitivity to various antimicrobials.
The Xybion Veterinary LIMS starter system contains a template for a standard Culture and Sensitivity test. By default, up to four isolates may be tested for susceptibility and sensitivity against a set, or subset, of antimicrobials, with the result being recorded in the associated results grid.
In the example above isolate 1 (Staphylococcus spp) has been tested against three antimicrobials and found to be sensitive to Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid (s), resistant to Apramycin (r) and have intermediate resistance to Ampicillin (i), while isolate 2 (Enterococcus spp) has been tested against Cefoxitin and found to be sensitive (s). A minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) score can be recorded defining effectiveness of the specific antibiotic against that isolate. These findings, having been noted in the test results grid, validated, and approved, can be provided to the veterinary clinician in the form of a certificate of analysis. The results can then be used to define a suitable treatment plan.
Xybion LIMS includes several other key features to help veterinary laboratories. For example, all relevant veterinary practice, owner, and animal information can be recorded at the time of sample accession. This provides for all relevant case history information to be recorded and allows links to other relevant information, such as previous test results, that is held in the LIMS. Species dependant test limits can be defined for specific tests, meaning the same test can be used across multiple species. This simplifies test definition and maintenance and means results can be automatically checked against the required species-specific limits. The built-in list of animal species and breeds provides a simple picklist for laboratories to use during accessioning. Please see our Xybion Veterinary LIMS page to find out more and download our brochure.