Case studies: Nuclear & Radiochemical
UKAS Accredited Lab Manages its Own Configurations of Xybion LIMS
Solution: LIMS
Cavendish Nuclear

Cavendish Nuclear use the flexible Xybion LIMS (formerly Matrix Gemini LIMS) configuration tools to make their own changes as requirements change.
Cavendish Nuclear's environmental laboratory is a specialist provider of radiometric analysis for a wide range of environmental and personnel matrices, requiring low limit of detection techniques. This case study is a great illustration of how Matrix users can easily adapt their systems to their changing needs.
- To upgrade the LIMS whilst maintaining the status quo in terms of functionality, flexibility and complying with rigorous regulatory accreditation.

- Enables import of raw data from instruments and to use Matrix to calculate results
- Database for controlled documents, previously held in an Access database, has been transferred into Xybion LIMS
“We are delighted with the support we have received from Autoscribe. We are ‘tweaking’ the system all the time. The future potential for the system is huge, we can develop it in the direction that suits us best”
Cavendish Nuclear
By working closely with Autoscribe on the upgrade of Matrix 4 to Xybion LIMS, staff at Cavendish Nuclear’s environmental laboratory have become so proficient in using Gemini’s one-time configuration tools that they manage and implement any updates and developments to their own system as their needs arise.
Cavendish Nuclear’s environmental laboratory is an internationally recognised provider of specialist radiometric analysis for a wide range of environmental and personnel matrices, requiring a low limit of detection techniques. Radioactive materials measured include tritium activation and fission products, radium, thorium, uranium and plutonium isotopes, daughter products and transuranic elements. Employing leading-edge analytical techniques such as gamma spectrometry, alpha spectrometry, alpha scintillation, gas flow proportional counting and liquid scintillation counting in the UKAS accredited laboratory, Cavendish Nuclear produces analytical data to support quality, safety and environmental standards, regulatory compliance and research and testing programmes in the nuclear, civil and industrial sectors.