Case studies: Nuclear & Radiochemical
Xybion LIMS Meets Radiological Testing Challenges
Solution: LIMS
US Radiological Laboratory

Discover how one Radiological Laboratory uses Xybion LIMS (Formerly Matrix Gemini LIMS) to manage complex radiochemistry data.
The inherent configurability of the Xybion Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) has allowed the management of complex radiochemistry data at a radiological, environmental and analytical laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Matrix system has streamlined the analysis process and has added a very versatile reporting system.
- Replacement of in-house system
- Tight regulatory requirements of the nuclear industry

- Radioactive decay calculations automated
- Complete sample chain-of-custody
- Extensive audit trails provide regulatory compliance
There is a really good flow to the system. The workflow features around 10 icons which cover the entire process from sample receipt to waste disposal and shows each stage very clearly.
US Radiological Laboratory
The laboratory carries out radioanalytical analysis of environmental samples to provide support for characterization and independent verification surveys. The laboratory is specifically designed to analyze soil, water, air filters, wipes, vegetation and biota; however, it is also capable of analyzing other types of matrices based on customer requirements. Primary analyses are for alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides in most environmental media and other matrices. The laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program (DOECAP) approved facility which also provides the capability for analysis of various matrices for total metals, TCLP metals and isotopic uranium by Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry. It conducts radioanalytical projects for a number of federal and state agencies.