Battery Testing Laboratory Benefits From Flexibility of Xybion LIMS
Battery Testing Laboratory Benefits From Flexibility of Xybion LIMS.
Solution: LIMS
WMG - University of Warwick
Discover some of the companies that use LIMS and find out how Autoscribe Informatics solutions have helped our customers to manage their laboratory and business processes more effectively.
Battery Testing Laboratory Benefits From Flexibility of Xybion LIMS.
Solution: LIMS
WMG - University of Warwick
When Ernest Jackson, the manufacturer of medicated confectionery and vitamin pastilles, wanted to monitor the training status of its 150+ staff it turned to Autoscribe Informatics.
Solution: LIMS
Ernest Jackson
Environmental & Water
Xybion LIMS Express is ideal for a smaller lab that runs a wide variety of tests.
Solution: LIMS
Greenwood Met District Council
Nationwide offers over 1100 different veterinary pathology tests covering a broad spectrum of disciplines to help vets swiftly diagnose and treat animals.
Solution: LIMS
Nationwide Labs
Nuclear & Radiochemical
Discover how one Radiological Laboratory uses Xybion LIMS (Formerly Matrix Gemini LIMS) to manage complex radiochemistry data.
Solution: LIMS
US Radiological Laboratory
Environmental & Water
Environmental Laboratory Blue Ridge Mountain chose Xybion LIMS to manage their sample testing and reporting activities.
Solution: LIMS
Blue Ridge Analytical
Materials & Mining
By replacing an inflexible LIMS with Xybion LIMS, the analytical laboratory at a leading metal refiner has been able to incorporate 100% of its test records and results.
Solution: LIMS
A world leader in mining nickel
Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories have an important function in raw material evaluation and in production and can significantly impact overall manufacturing performance.
Solution: LIMS
Thornton & Ross
Find out how we can help maximize efficiency and minimize risk for your laboratory.
Let’s Talk
Let’s connect and we’ll arrange a Xybion LIMS demo.